Welcome Vendors!

If you have attended in the past, we would like to thank you for your continued interest and help in making this event a success!

If you are new, we would like to welcome you to be a part of the Elk Expo with us. Submission does not guarantee acceptance. We limit “like” vendors as much as possible. New vendors will be reviewed in early April. (Returning vendors are offered same locations with payment until February 28th.) 

This year we have some great events and attractions planned. We are also in the process of booking well-known outdoor speakers, demonstrators, attractions, entertainment, and events. This website will be updated as information becomes available.


This is an outdoor event, rain or shine. You will need to provide your own tent, table and chairs. A limited number of electric sites are available to food vendors.

Setup Time: Trailor Vendors only – Thursday, 9am-7pm and Regular Vendors – Friday 9am – 7pm (no exceptions)

Event Hours: Saturday 8am – 6pm and Sunday 8am – 3pm (You must remain set up during event hours. Both days the center and grounds open at 8am and guests will start arriving at that time.)

Tear Down Time: Begins at 3pm on Sunday

Any vendor tearing down early, disobeying rules, or being disrespectful to staff/volunteers will not be permitted to return.

The Elk Country Visitor Center is a “Green Facility”, and distribution of promotional materials that can be discarded as litter must be approved in advance. Distribution of balloons is prohibited.

WiFi is available for vendor use.