New Vendor Registration

Join us for the 25th Annual Elk Expo July 26th & 27th, 2025 at the Elk Country Visitor Center in Benezette, PA. New vendors may apply now for consideration.

Please understand: Submission does not guarantee acceptance. New Vendors will be reviewed in early spring. We limit “like” vendors as much as possible and do not allow vendors selling exact products.

The form below is for new vendors only. If you are a returning vendor, please click here to be redirected to the returning vendor registration form

Vendor Pricing: (choose one) *
By checking this box I agree that I have read and agree to the below terms of release. *

Please note the Elk Country Visitor Center is a "Green Facility" and distribution of promotional materials that can be discarded as litter must be approved in advance. Distribution of balloons is prohibited.

I (we) will not hold the Elk Expo, Elk Country Visitor Center or Keystone Elk Country Alliance responsible for theft, loss, or damage of any property.

I have read the policy statement for the 2024 Elk Expo and agree to abide by the rules and regulations set forth by the Elk Expo.